Ask A Romance Author: Best Pick-up Line?

Ask A Romance Author: Best Pick-up Line?

Dear Ember, What’s the best pick-up line you’ve ever received? Do the good ones ever show up in your novels? Signed, L   Dear L, Pick-up lines, eh? Man, you’d think I’d have my very own black book of pick-up lines by this point. I’m...

Ask An Author, Ch. 3: Sexy Birds

Dear Ember, What do you think is the sexiest species of birds? Signed, A. Viary   Dear A. Viary, This is a no-brainer. The hottest bird of all the endothermic vertabrates is the Superb Bird of Paradise (Lophorina superba). The first time I saw this winged...
Ask a Romance Author, Chapter 2

Ask a Romance Author, Chapter 2

“Ask a Romance Author” is something between an advice column and a free-for-all. All questions are fair game! Send your concerns, worries, inquiries and more to   Dear Ember Leigh, Do you think this type of romance is...
Need Advice? Ask a Romance Author…

Need Advice? Ask a Romance Author…

Step aside, Ann Landers! Ember Leigh is in the house, and I’ve got some WIDSOM TO REPART. I’m launching a new advice column which will deal with all things romance, erotic, novel-writing, reading, loving, prancing, cooking, delving, philosophizing,...