On September 12th, my erotic short story (also known as a “Flirt” in Breathless Press Land) will be available for purchase.
It’s called “Carlos and Casey”, and features two ex-lovers meeting up again for the first time in four years.
Time makes things awkward, right? That’s what I drew on for this short story. Two ex-lovers that had an explosive connection in the past might not necessarily have the same connection four years later. Things change, jobs are found and lost, time continues its weary march ahead, and sometimes, we begin to doubt ourselves and our sex appeal.
Both Carlos and Casey confront these issues in the Flirt. What would happen if YOU met up with an ex-lover from long ago? Would you still be as confident, or as spunky? Would it pick up like nothing had left off? Or might you be more reserved, a little scared even?
I’m excited for you all to read this short. Best part is, it’s $0.99, and comes with a half-off coupon for a different Flirt, or a 20%-off coupon for a regular novel (like, oh, JADED, if you haven’t bought it yet!).
When it comes out, I’d LOVE if you all could read it and let me know what you think!