I won’t lie, I’ve hashtagged #AmWriting when I was doing everything BUT. Most times, it starts as an earnest attempt to begin writing that eventually gets hijacked by any number of unrelated activities.

Let’s be real, the moment we sit down to write is when we notice all the accumulated dirt on the floor, or think of that hummus we’ve been meaning to make for a week now, or recall suddenly the good friend we forgot to write for a month. In an effort to bring transparency to the Twitter Author World, I will make a list of things I’ve ACTUALLY been doing when claiming #AmWriting:

  • #AmWashingDishes
  • #AmGooglingWildly
  • #AmMoppingTheFloorsForNoReason
  • #AmSweeping
  • #AmMakingTheBed
  • #AmTryingNewRecipes
  • #AmGoingToTheMarketForSuddenlyNecessaryFruit
  • #AmStaringAtWord (though, this might technically count as #AmWriting)
  • #AmReadingEveryNYTimesArticle
  • #AmRespondingToWorkEmails
  • #AmPaintingMyNails
  • #AmSewingLeggingsForTheFifthTime
  • #AmDrinkingWineJustALittleBitTooEarly
  • #AmReReadingOldBlogPosts
  • #AmOnMyKindle
  • #AmMessagingFriendsOnFacebook
  • And, extremely rarely….#AmWriting

So, readers, when you see an #AmWriting hashtag from ol’ Ember Leigh, be warned. It might include any of the above activities, and not actually any writing at all.

What are YOU guilty of doing when hashtagging #AmWriting? Tell me below!